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HOMEContract FabricsHealthcare EducationCadiz FR Faux Leather Upholstery
  • Bancroft Cadiz 1
  • Bancroft Cadiz 2

Cadiz FR Faux Leather Upholstery

This collection includes 15 Plain Coloured -7029 and 12 Textured Faux Leather - 7031 Upholstery fabrics that are both smart and great value for money. Available  BS5852 Crib 5 with an abrasion of 100,000 it's hard wearing for tough environments.

Cadiz Plain Faux Leathers include some light bright and fresh colours whilst our Cadiz Textured Collection features a richer more classic selection.

Cadiz Abrasion Certificate Cadiz FR Certificate
Plain Cadiz Beige
Plain Cadiz Black
Plain Cadiz Grey
Plain Cadiz Navy
Plain Cadiz Red
Plain Cadiz Brown
Plain Cadiz Dark Brown
Plain Cadiz Wine
Plain Cadiz Royal
Plain Cadiz White
Plain Cadiz Green
Textured Cadiz Royal
Textured Cadiz Red
Textured Cadiz Almond
Textured Cadiz Beige
Textured Cadiz Wine
Textured Cadiz black
Textured Cadiz Green
Textured Cadiz Navy
Textured Cadiz Grey
Textured Cadiz Burgundy
Textured Cadiz Brown
Textured Cadiz White